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My travels

My travels


My travels, my travels are a window into my personal experiences, and threads from which the carpet of my memories is woven. Every trip I went on was a story to be told, a story written, and an adventure immortalized in the pages of my memory. Through my travels, I discovered new cultures, read the history of civilizations on the pages of their landmarks, tasted dishes I had never known before, and communicated with people from different parts of the world.


Flight reservation, My travels


My first trip:

My first trip was to Jeddah, the Bride of the Red Sea, with my family. At that time I was a young child, I had never left my city before. I still remember my feeling of awe and amazement when I first saw the sea, that vast, endless blue space. We spent a week in Jeddah full of fun and activities, during which we visited the Jeddah Corniche, the King Fahad Cultural Center, and many other places.

My trip to Egypt:

As a teenager, I traveled to Egypt with my friends. It was a trip full of culture and history. We visited the pyramids, the Sphinx, museums, and rode horses in the desert. I got to know the ancient Egyptian civilization, and learned a lot about the ancient history of Egypt.

My trip to Europe:

After I graduated from university, I traveled to Europe. I visited many countries such as France, Italy and Spain. I saw famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of Pisa, and the Sagrada Familia Cathedral. I got to know European culture and tasted the most delicious dishes.

My trips to Asia:

In recent years, I have traveled to many Asian countries such as China, Japan and Thailand. I learned about different cultures, tasted new dishes, and saw amazing sights.

Travel benefits:

My travels are a source of learning and gaining experience. Through my travels, I developed my skills in communicating with others, learned to rely on myself, and discovered my abilities and potential.

Tips for travelers:

before traveling:

Determine your destination and collect information about it.
Book your flight ticket and accommodation in advance.
Prepare your luggage carefully.
Make sure your passport and entry visa are in order.

While traveling:

Respect the culture of the country you are traveling to.
Learn some basic phrases in the local language.
Be careful of scammers.
Stay safe and healthy.

After traveling:

Share your experiences with others.
Save the memories of your trip in photos and videos.
Plan your next trip.


My travels are part of my identity, and an open book in which I read the pages of my life. I will continue to travel and discover the world, because travel is a journey through time and memory.


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