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الدولةالتي تحتوي علي 450ألف مسطحة مائية (النرويج )

Countries with 450 thousand water bodies (Norway)

It is officially known as the Kingdom of Norway, and it is one of the contributors to the United Nations. It has an area of ​​385,187 km². It is located in northern Europe. Its capital is Oslo. It was ranked first in the world as a cradle of prosperity in 2014.
In 2008, it ranked No. 17 in the Economic Forum's report on tourism competitiveness in the world, and now it occupies very advanced ranks in the tourism classification.

the language:
Norwegian is the official language, with English as an additional language

the currency:
The currency of Norway is the Norwegian krone and it is equal to 0.12 dollars

the climate:
The climate is very mild and in the northern regions it is colder

Norwegian people:
The people there are very friendly and curious

Most famous landmarks:
Perhaps one of the most prominent contributions to the prosperity and renaissance of tourism in Norway is the presence of the most scenic natural scenery in the world and includes the most wonderful and unique charming scenes globally.
1/ Fring Fossen Waterfall is one of the most beautiful tourist sites
2/ Kostefalini Glacier, which is characterized by farm water
3/ Viking Ship Museum
4/ The Norwegian North Ras is the highest region in the north of Europe
5 / The historic city of Reros

Tourist activities:
1/ Experience the tourist train
2/ skydiving
3/ Enjoy seeing the waterfalls
4/ cable car
5/ eat fish
6/ boat rides
7/ kayaking
8/Visit the opera building
9/ Visit museums
10/ Go to the amusement park
11/ Visit lakes and bodies of water

And many, many activities that one visit to this country is not enough to enjoy all of them, we hope that we have provided you with useful information and explanation that will help you in planning to explore this tourist masterpiece.

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