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Book flights from Riyadh to Sohag

Book flights from Riyadh to Sohag


Book a flight from Riyadh to Sohag, Sohag is an Egyptian city located in the south of the country, and it is the capital of Sohag Governorate. The city has a long history and rich culture, and it also includes many important tourist and archaeological landmarks. If you are planning to visit Sohag, you will need to book a flight from Riyadh.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to booking a flight from Riyadh to Sohag. We will discuss the most important information you need to know, such as:


Airlines that offer flight reservations from Riyadh to Sohag


Flight times and flight duration
Ticket prices
Tips for booking a cheap flight ticket

Airlines flying from Riyadh to Sohag

There are many airlines that offer flights from Riyadh to Sohag, including:

Air Arabia
Saudi airlines
fly Dubai

Flight times and flight duration

The above-mentioned airlines offer flights from Riyadh to Sohag daily, with two or three flights per day. The direct flight time from Riyadh to Sohag is about two and a half hours.

Ticket prices

Flight ticket prices from Riyadh to Sohag vary depending on the airline company, travel class, and travel time. In general, flight ticket prices from Riyadh to Sohag range between 700 Saudi riyals and 1,500 Saudi riyals.

Tips for booking a cheap flight ticket

If you are looking to book a cheap flight ticket from Riyadh to Sohag, here are some tips:

Book your ticket as early as possible, as prices usually increase the closer the travel date gets.
Look for flights with stopovers, as their prices are usually lower than direct flights.
Choose budget airlines, as these companies offer lower prices than traditional airlines.
Use airline ticket comparison sites, such as Skyscanner and trips, to find the best prices.


After knowing the most important information you need to know to book a flight from Riyadh to Sohag, you can now book your flight with ease. We hope this article helped you plan your next trip to Sohag.


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